Hi! I'm Aaska.

Welcome to my corner of the internet.

About Me

picture of pencil on dark background

 I graduated from McMaster University with a major in Computer Science and a minor in Economics in 2019. I love spending my time on new programming projects, learning new skills, reading, watching videos, and hiking.

 I'm a huge fan of creating, whether it's through coding, writing, or using my hands to make something new. Some of my projects are showcased below. Although I've only listed programming projects, I hope to one day post about my creative endeavours as well.


Expense Tracker

AngularJS, Node.js, SQL


Working on a simple web application that will allow the user to create an account, enter and store their transactions, and see a visual breakdown of where they spend their money.

Parking App

HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, PHP


Parking services web application highlighting searching, commenting, and posting of parking spaces available for rent, deployed on an AWS EC2 instance.


VR, Unity, C#


Final year capstone project, partnered with McMaster Decision Science Laboratory

Application of Virtual Reality in Experimental Economics aims to conduct controlled laboratory experiments to gain insight into how people make decisions when a component of their overall health is affected. Hindrances are implemented through VR, such as a foggy screen to simulate the loss of eyesight or haptic feedback on hand controllers to simulate early symptoms of Parkinson's.

Drive Safe


Selected for display at 2016 McMaster University Open House - Faculty of Engineering

Drive Safe allows users to choose the most environmentally friendly car based on CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, fuel cost, preferred driver type, and geographic region. The fuel constraints were implemented using a database that included fuel costs from around Canada over many years. The program trims the database based on the regions and fuel types before calculating the slope of the fuel types in the past years.

picture of an open book with blurred background

Other Skills

  • Python
  • React
  • Spring Boot
Conversation Proficiency in:
  • Gujarati
  • Hindi
  • Urdu


Feel free to send me a message! I'd love to connect.